Dever license

All exclusive technologies that are developed in Devre are proprietary software based primarily on proprietary codes of Devre only, and any infringement of it without authorization or permission from Devre is an illegal or authorized infringement by Devre, and Devr has the right to cancel and control any projects that have been exploited software and determine its fate.

The exclusive technologies are WordPress plugins, WordPress themes, and software exclusively offered or provided by Dever.

A license to use is the programmed agreement on how you will use our products and the limits on your use.

personal use license
It is the default license for all Devr products, and this license enables you to use all the software that is licensed from Devr to you for personal use only in one job.

Limitations of using the product under this license is limited to one site if it is a web application, add-on or template, or to one device if it is a desktop program.

Business use license
This license enables institutions to use the product for many times that are agreed upon in advance, depending on the devices or employees.

In the case of a desktop program, the number of devices on which the program can be run or the number of user accounts will be limited.

If the program is a web application, template or add-on, the number of sites in which the product can be activated is approved.

Publisher's license to use
This license allows you to work either fully or partially and enables you to resell it accordingly, and currently we do not work with this license, especially if one of our products with lower licenses is included in the work.

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